Start thinking about your spring garden and register for a free tree!
At the tree giveaway events in April, choose from 11 different tree species including several fruit trees. Get up to two trees per property and up to 10 for community spaces! Get free planting demonstrations from the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, and bring home free mulch with your trees. Pre-registration is encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome at all events (except where noted).
Yard Tree Giveaway Schedule:
- Saturday April 5th, 10am to 12noon and 12noon to 2pm (pre-registration only), 2 to 4pm (walk-ins welcome!), Pennypack Environmental Center (8600 Verree Rd. 19115)
- Sunday April 6th, 12noon to 2pm, West Oak Lane Library (2000 Washington Lane 19138)
- Saturday April 12th, 10am to 12noon, Columbus Square Playground (1200 Wharton St. 19147)
- Saturday April 12th, 10am to 12noon, Bartram’s Garden (54th and Lindbergh Blvd. 19143)
- Saturday April 12th, 12noon to 2pm, Hunting Park Recreation Center (900 Hunting Park Ave. 19140)
- Sunday April 13th, 12noon to 2pm, Gorgas Park (6300 Ridge Ave. 19128)
Spring 2014 Tree List:
American beech – Fagus grandiflora
White oak – Quercus alba
Red maple – Acer rubrum
Sassafras – Sassafras albidum
Dolgo crabapple – Malus x ‘Dolgo’
Winter King hawthorn – Crataegus viridus ‘Winter King’
Serviceberry – Amelanchier laevis and A canadensis
Moorpark Apricot – Prunus armeniaca ‘Moorpark’
Brown Turkey Fig – Ficus carica ‘Brown Turkey’
20th Century Asian pear – Pyrus pyrifolia ’20th Century’
Contender peach – Prunus persica ‘Contender’

Contender peach at the nursery, just waiting for the tree giveaways so it can go home with someone special!
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