

Fall 2014 Season

In the Fall of 2014, City of Arborly Love promoted TreePhilly’s yard tree giveaway by creating a “dating website” called TreeHarmony that would pair someone with their tree soulmate. After taking a short quiz, website visitors could discover which tree would work best in their life and their yard and register to pick it up at one of the tree giveaways around the city. Take the quiz for yourself below and read success stories of people who found their tree soulmates below!


Success Stories

Click through!

TreeHarmony Success Stories


Fall 2014 Stats and Facts:

Number of Registrants: 832

Follow Through Rate: 63%

Number of Trees Given Out: 1150

Number of Citywide Giveaways: 4

In the Fall of 2014 Season, TreePhilly also launched the Community Yard Tree Giveaway Grant Program. This program allows community groups to apply for a grant to host their own yard tree giveaway.Grants provide 50 or 100 trees and $500 to each grantee. In Fall of 2014 there were 5 community grantees.